The CDOT library has the resources to help you with your research. This guide provides information on how to start or request a literature search/literature review. The library has a number of options for staff:
A literature search seeks to confirm what is known about a particular topic, and a literature review uses the literature search to help to clarify the scope of the research project.
To request a Literature Search/Review complete this form. The librarian will then contact you for a brief intake meeting and begin the process.
This guide is based on Transportation Research Circular Number E-C194: Literature Searches and Literature Reviews for Transportation Research Projects: How to Search, Where to Search, and How to Put it All Together.
View the circular in its entirety for a full picture of the literature search and literature review processes.
Prepared by Andrea Avni, Paul Burley, Patrick Casey, John Cherney, Leighton Christiansen, Janet Saunders Daly, Rita Evans, David Jared, Greg Landgraf, Andrew Meier, Jane Minotti, Barbara Post, Birgitta Sandstedt, Roberto Sarmiento, Susan Sillick, Bob Sweet, Michael Wendt, Ken Winter, and Hong Yu For the Conduct of Research Committee Library and Information Science for Transportation Committee Transportation Research Board
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